Take the Guesswork out of Pregnancy

Improve your chances of a successful pregnancy with proven diagnostics and emotional support.

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Nima Life is the first reproductive health platform that combines evidence-based testing with personalized guidance.

Founded by experts

Founded by leading reproductive health & data science experts, the Nima Life offering is based on our own large-scale research published in The Lancet and other high-ranking journals.

Proven prevention & planning

Our personalized medical approach includes a range of breakthrough diagnostic tests proven to increase your chances of a successful pregnancy.

Personalized guidance & support

Most health systems lack the means to provide meaningful support or qualified answers for couples and individuals hoping to get pregnant - we fill that gap.

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About Nima Life

Nima Life was born out of the Copenhagen Pregnancy Loss Project (COPL), the world’s largest pregnancy loss study. Both COPL and Nima Life were initiated and led by Professor Henriette Svarre Nielsen, one of the world’s leading experts in reproductive health.

In a world where fertility rates are decreasing, and too few women and couples receive explanations for their pregnancy loss, we’re determined to provide answers through data-driven research and development. Our ultimate goal is a world where all reproductive issues can be prevented or treated.


Professor Henriette Svarre Nielsen,
Chief Executive Officer

Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the University of Copenhagen and Chief Physician at the Copenhagen University Hospital, Henriette is an internationally recognized specialist in pregnancy loss. She founded the Maternity Foundation and holds the position as coordinator of the early pregnancy special interest group at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology.


Dr. Tanja Schlaikjær Hartwig PhD,
Chief Scientific Officer

A medical doctor and researcher in the field of early pregnancy, Tanja has a PhD in fetal medicine where she focused on screening for fetal genetic abnormalities. She was the coordinator of the Copenhagen Pregnancy Loss Study and published her research in The Lancet. She also led the development of the Danish national guidelines for threatened miscarriage.


Dr. David Westergaard PhD,
Chief Technical Officer

The Head of Data Science at the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Copenhagen University Hospital, David’s focus is on accelerating research in women’s health through data-driven discovery of biomarkers and development of clinical decision-support tools.


Per Barfod Andersen,
Business Developer

An Entrepreneur-in-Residence at the BioInnovation Institute, Per has almost 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. Before joining Nima Life, Per was Nordic Diagnostic Manager at AstraZeneca, where he drove the development of a best-in-class oncology portfolio that brought significant value to patients and healthcare professionals.


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